


i - innovative Darts Sports

i DartsClub - 本港首間以飛鏢為主題的飛鏢餐廳酒吧, 企劃成員多次遠赴日本了解當地飛鏢文化及孝察飛鏢酒吧的設計特色, 選取最好的地方再融合本地文化, 建立成 i DartsClub 獨有的創新風格.

i DartsClub 與日本最大飛鏢品牌 DARTSLIVE JP 成為合作伙伴, 成為全球首間於日本本土以外設有 DARTSLIVE 電子飛鏢機的餐廳酒吧.

i DartsClub 全店將會設置十部由 DARTSLIVE JP 提供的最新型號 DARTSLIVE 2 電子飛鏢機, 並提供與日本相同的優質網絡服務.

此外, i DartsClub 更成為全日本最大網上飛鏢用品專賣店 S-DARTS 的香港區總代理, 將獨家提供由 S-DARTS 的自家品牌 "S4" 及 "EDGE SPORTS" 所有最新飛鏢用品.

除配備完善設施外, i DartsClub 更與本地鏢壇高手 Royden Lam (林鼎智) 簽約成為合約運動員, 並註場及開班教導一眾新人.

擁有標準比賽及練習場地, 最新 DARTSLIVE2 電子飛鏢機, 最潮流的日本飛鏢遊戲, 各式各樣飛鏢用品, 獨特的飛鏢主題飲品, 飛鏢教練註場指導, 定期舉辨各類型比賽, 經選拔賽更可獲得全日本最大型飛鏢比賽 SUPER DARTS 的參賽資格.

店內風格獨特, i-Stage 飛鏢皇者舞台, 女仕專區, 飛鏢 Party 房, VIP 飛鏢房等等獨有特色, 再配合頂級的日式餐飲服務. 顧客將會體驗新世代的電子飛鏢文化.

集多功能於一身的 i DartsClub 將成為飛鏢愛好者或新手去享受飛鏢樂趣的好去處.

~ Happy Darts Happy Live ~

i – innovative Darts Sports

i DartsClub –the first Restaurant & Bar with the theme of Darts in Hong Kong. In order to become the most innovative and stylish Darts Bar, the committee make several visits to Japan to understand the darts culture in Japan and the image of the darts bar there, and then carefully selects the location in Hong Kong and blend the darts culture from Japan with the local market.

i DartsClub alliances with DARTSLIVE JP, the largest brand in Japan as the partner, and the Club proudly become the first Restaurant & Bar with their DARTSLIVE Machines outside Japan.

i DartsClub will have 10 latest model DARTSLIVE 2 machines provided by DARTSLIVE JP. Besides, the Club provides the high quality network system according to the Japanese standard.

In addition, i DartsClub is the sole agent of Hong Kong to provide the products of S-DARS - Japan’s largest on-line supplier for darts products. Meanwhile, products of S-DARTS’ own brand “S4” and the latest version of “EDGE SPORTS” darts supplies will be provided exclusively by i DartsClub as well.

Besides the well-equipped facilities, i DartsClub also sign a contract with the local Top Darts Players - Mr. Lam Ting Chi, Royden as the Athlete and Consultant of the Club. Royden Lam will focus on developing darts at the Club and coaching of the darts classes for the beginners and fans.

i DartsClub is the place where copes with the standard field for competitions and practices, the latest DARTSLIVE 2 machines, the trend-setting games from Japan, a wide range of darts supplies , unique drinks with the Darts Theme , guiding & coaching by the appointed consultant , various types of regular competition…more and more. The Club will also hold the trial contrast to select the representatives to join SUPER DART tournament in Japan.

Unique design, i - Stage “Darts Royal Stage”, Ladies zone and VIP party rooms…. are parts of the characteristics of i Darts Club. Along with the Japanese premier catering services, customers will experience a new culture other than the traditional electronic darts.

i DartsClub – to be the pleasure and comfort place for darts’ fans or beginners .

~ Happy Darts Happy Live ~
2/F, Katherine House, 53-55 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui.
Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
暫定於六月隆重開幕, 屆時將會邀請 2008 及 2009 JAPAN SUPER DARTS FINAL CHAMPION - " 炎之皇帝" 星野光正 來港進行表演賽及剪綵, DARTSLIVE JP 社長 高谷慎太郎 亦親臨現場興賀.

得知很多人查詢有關 i DartsClub 的消息, 在這裡同大家說, 所有餐飲服務計劃, 比賽設計, 飛鏢設備用品,裝修設計工程, 與日本 DartsLive 計劃等等, 每一項都進行到如火如荼地步. 店內設計3D圖會遲幾天向大家公開發表, DartsLive2 亦都會於下月頭到港, i DartsClub x DartsLive 特別版 members Cards 暫時首先發放. 一有最新消息, 會立即通知大家, 希望大家繼續支持!!

上載了數張最新 i DartsClub 場地設計圖片, 如各位對 i DartsClub 有任何問題, 歡迎留言查詢.

DARTSLIVE2 將會本月20日運到香港. 測試完畢後, 將舉辦 DARTSLIVE2 試玩日, 各 i DartsClub @ facebook 會員, 記得密切留意試玩日報名詳情.


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